Increase your self-love until it RADIATES from you 100% of the time!

In my Advanced Channeling with Archangel Metatron class this week, we discussed the theme of self-love.

If you are experiencing anything less than love around you, it is because you have less than 100% self-love inside of you. Wherever in our energy fields that we don’t have self-love, self-punishment exists in its place.

When you open up to more self-love, your whole world changes. You are the universe, completely inside of you. There is no “external.”

As above, so below. Accordingly, as within, so it is the outside world. To improve your life and feel better, the angels recommend to always start by looking within.

They wish to help you increase your self-love until it is radiating out of you nonstop. Until your self-love is flowing so strongly from you that nothing in your reality can reflect otherwise and no un-loving experience or situations can manifest whatsoever. When you have reached this level of self-love, your entire internal and external experiences will be full of love and nothing less.

How can we do this? Start by connecting to the angels daily. Their love and support helps us with everything. Ask them to help you with self-love. Start to notice in your life which are loving experiences and which are harsh or heavy-feeling. Start to intentionally align to loving environments. Start to have compassion with yourself and to forgive yourself. Be gentle with yourself.

When you sit quietly and meditate with the angels, you can imagine that you have a beautiful source of self-love in your heart and that it is radiating out of you like rays of sunshine. Practicing this often will make it more effective.

You deserve to feel good, and you are worthy of happiness.

My free new course can really help with this – 5 Steps to Connect with Angels. Sign up below to access it.