Timeline jumping is a way to move to a new “timeline” or reality, with the help of Archangel Metatron and other guides.

The process is part-healing, part-magic…and the results can be amazing!

Many possible different timelines exist simultaneously. Even science is showing us this with quantum physics.

It’s really next-level stuff.

Let’s say, for example, that you have money issues. With timeline jumping, you can move to a new reality where you already possess the state of financial abundance. It is WHO you are. Then your physical reality can change accordingly.

It’s the same concept for moving into a timeline where you’re in a happy relationship.

But the best jump of all is going to a timeline where you are in your highest good.

Timeline jumping involves doing inner work (you can’t escape your lessons!) and also following a process, which I have channeled. You could describe it as the step after manifesting. It’s a lot faster and more comprehensive. There is still a time and place for manifesting, but why manifest a specific thing when you can enter a whole new reality?

You can also think of timeline jumping in terms of your ascension path. You are already on an ascension path. Those consciously on a spiritual journey are going more quickly than others without the same awareness. And those choosing to timeline jump speed up their process even more.

The energies on the planet have lightened enough so that it is now more possible than ever to jump timelines.

There is nothing scary involved in timeline jumping. You will be the same person with the same life as before. But you will have “upgraded” your timeline to the best possible reality for you at this moment.

Some “jumps” are small and others are big! Everyone starts with smaller jumps. Like with most spiritual matters, the size (impact of) the jump depends on your readiness and whatever is the next best step on your path. You are never given more than you can handle, and you are always fully guided by Spirit along the way.

When you get into the flow of it, it’s a lot of fun!

I’m teaching a class on timeline jumping via Zoom this October. Click here for more details.