My Journey with Archangel Metatron

I first met Metatron in 2006 when he came to me as I was just about to go to bed. At the time, I was taking an archangel channeling class, but he was not one of the archangels we worked with in the class. So, I recognised the energy as an archangel, but I could not identify which one. I felt him projecting light structures to me, in the form of geometric shapes. I also felt a lot of white light, filling up my entire bedroom. That night, I felt him doing an attunement on me, to bring me closer to his energy. A couple of weeks later, I went to a psychic fair, and my eye was drawn to a card with the image of Metatron on it. I instantly recognised the geometric shapes even though I had never seen them before. The shape was called Metatronic’s cube. I also recognised the energy of the card. I was then certain that I had been visited by Archangel Metatron.

At that point, I began working with Metatron consciously. I was hesitant to work with an angel outside of our class, so I was very cautious. I checked his identity and whether he was of the highest light many times, and had several colleagues check as well. It was always confirmed to be Metatron, even though I knew nothing about him prior to his initial visit. I began to work with Metatron daily, and gradually, his energy began to integrate into my life. I had a lot of fear about beings and about channelling, so this was a very slow process. No matter how much I doubted, or how fearful I was, Metatron was always patient and kind to me. He always met me where I was at the time.

My life began to change, but the changes also were slow. I began to channel Metatron’s energy daily, following his request of 20 minutes of channeling with him per day. It took some time to really acclimate to his energy. I now realise it was because I was fearful, still quite new to channeling, and also working with a being as intense as Metatron requires an acclimation period. His light is so strong that it took me quite some time to adjust to his energies, several years in my case. Working with him was very different than working with the other archangels. Metatron is extremely powerful, and has a broader focus than the others.

The good news is that Metatron never left me and our work has continued to grow. I never assumed this continuity would happen, because I had seen other channels work with spirit guides who left them after some time. Now, 11 years later, I believe Metatron when he tells me (as he always has) that he is here with me to stay.

Working with Metatron has not made my life perfect. As humans, we still have our lessons to learn on earth. Working with him has made it a lot better though, and even magical at times. In Metatron, I have found consistent and unconditional love; friendship and unending loyalty; support; consistent availability; a source of Divine wisdom; input and perspective on my life; understanding of my soul lessons; comfort; increased joy and happiness; easier manifestation of my desires; deeper gratitude and appreciation; and healing. In short, working with Metatron has completely transformed my life. The more I have trusted him and let his energy into my life, the greater the transformation has been.

I also have seen miraculous results when I have connected others to Metatron’s light. I am truly grateful to be able to spread Metaton’s light and love.

I am a channel for Metatron’s messages and for his love for humanity. My purpose in life is to work with Metatron to help my fellow humans to live more fun, joyful, healthy and abundant lives. I help with this by connecting them to Metatronic Energy.

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